Atlantia as

Atlantia ResourceAdmin

With Atlantia ResourceAdmin you can plan the use of, and keep track of the various resources available to the company. Create work assignments, vacations, meetings, etc., and see it all in a easy-reference calendar.

Easy overview of several months


You can register people, locations and equipment as resources. The people is fetched from the registered people in BaseCamp. Locations and equipment is registered manually, or they can be imported from CourseAdmin if the company has access.

Create a person resource

Activities and conflicts

ResourceAdmin is ready to be used with common activity types. These can easily be edited, or new ones created.

Activities can be created easily, and after selecting dates and resources, the system checks and notifies if any scheduling conflicts are detected.

Create a new activity, with conflict detection


The calendar shows all the registered resources with their activities. Choose between showing the next five months, or focus down on a single month or a week. You can of course also move backwards and forwards in time as you wish.

Detail view of a single month